從這則新聞 Jazz Air says reaches tentative deal on pilot contracts
Jazz air 有超過 1500 個 (1519名)機師 (已搞定新約)
760 個空服員跟 33 名排班員還在談
到底 Jazz air 的員工有多慘, 慘到要用罷工這個最後的手段?
在這篇文章中有詳細的介紹 Jazz Air - Not So Jazzy
故事要從 2004 年 Jazz Air 從破產重整的 Air Canada 獨立成一家公司開始說起… 當時公司要員工們共體時艱, 機師們的薪水都被砍了 15%, 但隨著營運越來越上軌道, 員工們卻遲遲等不到一紙更好的合約, 這教他們情何以堪呢? 至於他們的待遇是如何呢?
Jazz Air pilots, formerly Air Canada Regional, took a 15 percent pay cut when the court ordered restructuring of Air Canada was commenced in 2004. Cuts to benefits were also made. Currently, the pay scale for a new hire first officers starts at $34,000 and tops out at $65,000 per year after fourteen years with the company. Typically, it can take anywhere from seven to twenty years to become a captain at the airline where the wage tops out at $106,000.
Accordingly, Jazz Air flight attendants currently sit in two groups - those hired before the restructuring in 2004 and those after. The “A” group hired before make an average of $43,000 per year. The “B” group, hired after, endure a $22,000-$26,000 per year wage.
看到這數字其實讓我嚇一大跳, 畢竟在台灣, 擔負全機人員生命的機師, 一向是屬於高薪族群, 但在 Jazz Air, 卻只不過是全國 GDP (約四萬多) 附近而已的 “中等收入”, 機師耶~~~ 連 A group 的空服員都有機會比菜機師薪水還高…
Jazz Air 2009 年營收 1.47 B, 賺 92 M 元… 如果 1500 個機師一年漲個 1000 元, 那就少 1.5M 好像也還好